


Just some of the areas and things I find interesting around Rome

I thought it might be fun to document some of the things that I find interesting and exciting about Rome in particular ... from aspects of its history to my thoughts on various areas. Please don't treat this as a guide book. You will find far more relevant information in most guides (the Blue Guide series is my preferred companion, however for real ‘in-depth’ detail, see The Rome Guide by Mauro Lucentini) ... and please, skip over parts that you find too detailed.  I tend to get a little bogged down in history, so I have consigned much of the historical info to separate page links.


This is a work in progress. Forgive me if there are parts missing and I welcome thoughts and contributions ... Scott



The Campo

dei Fiori

• The area

• Statue of

  Giordano Bruno

• Fountains  • Palazzo Cancelleria

• History  • Theatre of Pompey

• Surrounding streets


The Piazza Navona

• The area

• Fountains

• Palazzo Pamphilj

• Church of S'Agnes in Agone

• History      • Surrounding streets

• Borromini v Bernini




Just some of the areas and things I find interesting around Rome

The Pantheon

• The Pantheon

   and Piazza

• The surrounding area

• The history


The Piazza Farnese

• The area

• The Palazzo


• Church of Saint Bridget




Just some of the areas and things I find interesting around Rome

The Campo dei Fiori

• The area

• Giordano Bruno statue

• Fountains

• Palazzo Cancelleria

• Theatre of Pompey

• Surrounding streets

• History

The Via Giulia

• The area

• The Via Giulia in detail

• The history of Via Giulia


Walks in Rome

1. Around the

    Campo deiFiori

2. The Via Giulia

3. Piazza Barberini to

    Quattro Fontane,

    Santa Vittoria,

    Santa Maria degli

    Angeli, Santa Maria

    Maggiore, The

    Quirinale and The

    Trevi Fountain

4. Santa Sabina to the

    Theatre of Marcellus

5. Coffee at The

    Campo to lunch at

    the Spanish Steps

6. Testaccio - the Hill of 

The 7 (+) Hills

of Rome

What and where are the seven hills of Rome.
And there are actually 9.